Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Burning, Tingling and Numbness in Your Feet?

If you are experiencing burning, tingling and/or numbness to your foot, you might have a neuroma. A neuroma is thickening of nerve tissue. The most common neuroma in the foot is a Morton’s neuroma, which occurs between the third and fourth toes. It is sometimes referred to as an inter-metatarsal neuroma. “Inter-metatarsal” describes its location in the ball of the foot between the metatarsal bones.

The thickening, or enlargement, of the nerve that defines a neuroma is the result of compression and irritation of the nerve. This compression creates enlargement of the nerve, eventually leading to permanent nerve damage.

Anything that causes compression or irritation to a nerve can lead to the development of a neuroma. One of the most common offenders is wearing shoes that have a tapered toe box or high-heeled shoes that cause the toes to be forced into the toe box. Other causes include certain foot deformities, such as bunions, hammertoes, flatfeet, or more flexible feet. Other potential causes include activities that involve repetitive irritation to the ball of the foot, such as running or court sports.

Common symptoms that you might experience if you have a neuroma include:

-Tingling, burning, or numbness
-A feeling that something is inside the ball of the foot
-A feeling that there’s something in the shoe or a sock is bunched up

Non-surgical treatment options may include:

-Padding: Padding techniques provide support for the metatarsal arch, thereby lessening the pressure on the nerve and decreasing the compression when walking.
-Orthotic devices: Custom orthotic devices provide the support needed to reduce pressure and compression on the nerve.
-Activity modifications: Activities that put repetitive pressure on the neuroma should be avoided until the condition improves.
-Shoe modifications: Wear shoes with a wide toe box and avoid narrow-toed shoes or shoes with high heels.
-Medications: Oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation.
-Injection therapy: Treatment may include injections of cortisone, local anesthetics or other agents.

Surgery may be considered if your symptoms have not responded adequately to non-surgical treatments.

If you would like further information please visit our website, www.drrobertrosenstein.com or give the office a call, 440-946-5858 to schedule a consultation, 440-946-5858.

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